It's undeniable that the market is flooded with prenatal supplements and "meal plans", each claiming to be the best. However, this raises the question of – what is actually right for me? Choosing a prenatal supplement and figuring out what to eat for a healthy pregnancy and optimal fertility can be confusing and overwhelming, but it doesn't need to be! Getting your diet and supplement regimen right is crucial to increase your time to pregnancy, and increase your chances of a healthy, complication-free pregnancy too.
Every person has different needs when it comes to fertility and pregnancy nutrition and it's important that you get advice that is specific to you. Various factors such as medical history, family background, age, blood analysis, and body size are important to consider when determining your dietary and supplement requirements to ensure that you get the most benefit and optimise your fertility as fast as possible. Whatever you do, don't procrastinate! Our future babies are affected by what we eat 3 months prior to conception, and our chances of healthy ovulation, eggs, and implantation also need this period of time to see the most impact. If you are thinking- but I am TTC right now or I am already pregnant?! Then don't stress- any changes that you make to your nutrition and supplementation will provide you with immediate benefit to get you on the right track to the best fertility and pregnancy outcomes possible.
Your Personalised Meal & Supplement Plan includes...
- A diet review of your current intake based on 7+ days of your usual eating
- A review of your current supplements (if any)
- Comparison of your nutrient intake versus your requirements for optimal fertility and pregnancy and a detailed report outlining this to highlight nutritional gaps
- Review of your biochemistry and medical history to make your supplement recommendations specific and as targeted as possible
- Assessment through a form you receive post-booking on your medical history, symptoms, lifestyle, and your specific fertility pathway (e.g. trying naturally, IUI, IVF), pregnancy complications, and pregnancy experience so that your recommendations are specific to you.
- A personalised supplement regimen specific to improving your chances of a successful, healthy pregnancy (while supporting you to feel energised and great!)
- A personalised meal plan complete with ideas that you love and fit within your usual day to day routine (while providing max benefit to your fertility & pregnancy outcomes!)
- A bundle of fertility or pregnancy- specific recipe books (created by me!) to provide ideas and inspiration
- Access to high quality prescriber- only supplements
- Email support to answer any questions that you have for 2 weeks after receiving your plans
Upon booking you will receive a form with next steps to get your personalised supplement plan underway. I can't wait to work with you and support you to achieve the healthy, happy pregnancy that you deserve.